How to Be a Loving, But Separate Self, Wedding Cake

How to Be a Loving but Separate Self…Otherwise you will drift between faking agreement and hiding anger.

MysteryShrink Short: Love and Boundaries

FOOD, Wedding Cake Leftovers

The wedding had been held one on of those flowing green lawns behind Southern mansions, shaded by ancient and glorious oak trees hung with just the right amount of Spanish moss and satin streamers. The white skirted tables were scattered with fine China and champagne goblets leftover from earlier refreshments and larger white frothy boxes with gifts peeking out.

Other than the new husband seeing off the best man and a few lingering guests, the bride was alone, walking, almost floating between the elegant settings, a delighted smile bringing a glow to her already joyful face. What a beautiful, perfect, glorious day! She will hold these minutes dear to her heart forever.

Noticing the plate which held the remains of the white and black cake pieces the newlyweds had shared by locking arms, she paused and took in a breath. She scooped up the chunk of white cake along a yummy slurp of a pink rose and let herself take in the sweet flavors. Nothing, nothing, nothing could ruin it or bring her down. Or scare her about the future.

That’s why the drop in her smile, the sudden change in face color from rosy pink to slightly pale—was so terrifying.

Her new husband, who’d skipped up next to her, had grabbed her hand, ever so lightly. He plucked the cake from her hand and set it neatly back down on the plate. He pointed his finger downward at the mess and shook his head.

“Not here, dear. Not with your fingers!”








I'm a psychologist who goes to way too many movies, for the same reason I chose this profession. I love stories. I use movies and novels working with people in my office and during speaking engagements. "You should write some of this down," I kept being told. So, this is it, folks.

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