Ask a Psychologist: Married with Friends

Nickel Therapy, Ask a Psychologist **“Why Nickel Therapy” is background for this article. The Case of “Married with Friends” Dear Dr. DeShong: I’ve been married over twenty years. I love my husband and ours is the most important relationship in my life. Still when I need to talk about something …

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Why “Nickel Therapy, Ask a Psychologist?”

Why “Nickel Therapy, Ask a Psychologist?” Why have I added the Ask a Psychologist Page? When I was a skinny (not in a good way–in a ‘frizzy head’s too big for my body sort of way) and weird seventh grader, shy to the point of panic–I read a sentence in …

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Emotions and Thinking: Is Stealing Always Wrong?

*****Bizarre video gift at the end of the post. A taste of Mexico City at dark. No sound and a lot of sidewalk shots, but hey, I did this by my techo-challenged self! Is Stealing Bad? Is Someone Who Steals a Bad Person? A Supplement to MysteryShrink and the Emotional …

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Money Doesn’t Live Up to the Hype: Lessons from Eloise

Money Doesn’t Live Up to the Hype:  Lessons from Eloise If the Book Is a Mistake, Put it Down! For quite a while I’ve wanted to do a series based on lessons I learned from a late friend, older than me by several decades, and wealthier than me by several …

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Hope: Two Women, Robin Williams, and Living NOW

MysteryShrink: Two Women and Living in the NOW The truth about psychology and psychologists:  We long to be scientific—to prove our medications, our talk therapy works.  We long to assist ourselves and other humans to find more joy and make more sense of their lives. We mostly fail on both …

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Robin Williams, Oh How We Loved You, Depression is Real.

Robin Williams, Oh How We Loved You. Depression is Real. I started MysteryShrink as one answer to a question that is with me daily.  “What have you contributed today to make a difference to the emotional suffering of people?” The question is the same every day.  How can I take …

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MysteryShrink in the Now

MysteryShrink in the Now Psychology and psychologists have ideas to share, some are even effective.  Still our profession falls way short on aiding the journey to ‘living in the now.’ Psychologists listen, diagnose, and attempt to improve the skills of others.  But diagnoses, techniques, and schools of thought do not …

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