Stress, Anxiety, and Videotapes

Anxiety and Stress in One Family’s Relationships

Hear Ye!  Hear Ye! All ye people of the town within the sound of my voice, please lend me your ears!

I have reason to believe I am being watched and videoed.  Therefore, any resemblance between a bleary-eyed, crazy blond chick you may see on America’s Funniest HomeVideos or World’ Dumbest People—and the photo in my profile, is purely coincidental.

My sister–on having learned of certain insane activities undergone by my brother who had back surgery last week and by yours truly—has informed us that she has arranged for surveillance cameras with live feeds to be installed showing any untoward activity in our yards. Sibling position does matter in the management of family affairs.

Therefore–Let this notice serve as a public denial of any future embarrassing shots of me screaming in pain and popping back steroids while dragging around machinery, wheezing, and pulling weeds in 100 degree heat, two hours after leaving the rheumatologist because the ole lupus pains are kicking up.

Any efforts on the part of my sister to claim that I am unable to manage my health or to attach beepers to my chest and flashing red lights to my forehead should be seen as violations of my constitutional rights.  And, by the way, Sammie Davis Jr., has been spying on me, I’m sure of it and my older and smarter sister knows how to train dogs and fish to do her bidding.

Take a good look at those beady black eyes.
Fair notice to all who cannot stand to hear another word about THE TRIAL, The George Anthony, Cindy Anthony, Lee Anthony, Casey Anthony family is such a classic and well known case of watching how anxiety moves
around in a system, I will not be able to resist an entry.  Nothing shakes up the homeostasis of relationships like adding or taking away a family member.

Having opened up the “How important is sibling position?” subject, there will be more.  Just think, could be we can blame some of our less attractive features on when we were born into our family. For starters,
had I been the eldest, I’m quite sure I wouldn’t have a sealed juvenile record with the police.  Also, being second is, I’m sure why I’m not fabulously wealthy, too….Hey, this is fun…If only I’d been
first…I’d be the first female president right now.  Wow.



I'm a psychologist who goes to way too many movies, for the same reason I chose this profession. I love stories. I use movies and novels working with people in my office and during speaking engagements. "You should write some of this down," I kept being told. So, this is it, folks.

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